Pincha Mayurasana, commonly referred to as Feathered Peacock Pose, Forearm Balance Pose, or Peacock Pose, is a challenging inversion forearm balance pose that is very beneficial. The asana is derived from the Sanskrit words’ pincha‘, which means feathered, ‘mayur,’ peacock, and ‘asana,’ which means posture.
The yoga practice Pincha Mayurasana, or Forearm Stand, embodies the elegance and power associated with the regal peacock. Balancing in this asana requires utmost attention and focus, essential to gracefully maintaining the position. Aside from its graceful appearance, Pincha Mayurasana offers numerous physical benefits that contribute to a well-rounded yoga practice.
As with any yoga pose, it is essential to approach Pincha Mayurasana with patience and respect for your body’s limits. Practicing under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher, especially during a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, can provide valuable insights and adjustments to ensure safe and effective practice.
This post will cover step-by-step how to perform this asana, its benefits, and other essential considerations.

Getting Started With Pincha Mayurasana: Step-by-Step Guide
Due to the complexity of the Feathered Peacock Pose, you must be familiar with its proper execution to stay injury-free or strains. So here is the guide to performing the Pincha Mayurasana:
Begin this pose by taking Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose).
- Rest on your elbows with your forearms resting on the ground.
- Assure that your forearms are straight and positioned beneath your shoulders.
- Gradually lift your head while bringing your legs towards your head. At this point, the angle between the forearms and upper arms should be 90 degrees.
- To start the inversion motion, stabilize the shoulders inside the rear of the body.
- Bend the right knee and jump onto the right foot. At this point, you should stretch your left heel to the floor.
- Once you have achieved balance using your right leg, lift your left leg.
- Keep your position on your forearms, elbows, and palms while extending both legs upwards.
- Focus your attention forward while you contract your abdominal and inner thigh muscles.
- Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds. Significantly raise this duration with consistent practice.
- Lower your left leg while breathing deeply, and then your right leg to end the pose.
- Go to Adho Mukha Svanasana, extend your elbows, and then release the position.
Beginner’s Tip
- Pincha Mayurasana is a dynamic posture that necessitates sturdy shoulders and forearms. These characteristics are often unavailable to beginners. However, beginners may practice the Plank posture hard to build the requisite strength before performing this asana.
- In the air, beginners may have difficulties straightening their legs. To overcome these difficulties, they should make numerous tries to kick up one leg while simultaneously activating the other to achieve the correct position.
- One must have patience while jumping into the pose. Legs-up-in-one-go is a technique performed by competent practitioners. Therefore, individuals who have done it as a beginner should go slowly into and out of the pose.
The Benefits Of Pincha Mayurasana
The advantages of Pincha Mayurasana extend beyond merely improving physical health. This is a crucial asana for boosting brain health as well.
The benefits of Pincha Mayurasana are as follows:
- Among the most significant benefits of Pincha Mayurasana is that it strengthens your shoulders and upper back. This upper-body strength is crucial for enhancing functioning and balance.
- As an inversion, Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose increases blood flow to the brain. Hence, one of the most significant advantages of Pincha Mayurasana is its ability to relax the mind, improve memory and attention, and alleviate stress.
- Pincha Mayurasana provides a wonderful stretch to your body and alleviates joint tension and stiffness.
- One of the essential advantages of Pincha Mayurasana is that since maintaining balance throughout this asana involves a great deal of attention, frequent practice of this asana also improves your focus in everyday life.
- Since this asana requires no complex setup, you can include this position in home workouts.
Precautions Of Pinch Mayurasana
- Practitioners must avoid lowering their heads during Pincha Mayurasana since doing so would disrupt their focus, which should be gathered by resting the head between the shoulders and staring directly in front of the asana.
- A practitioner with inflexible armpits and inner thighs may struggle with a deep arch in their lower spine, which might cause them to fall backward. To prevent this, one should push their front ribs inside and their heels straight into the air.
- Maintain an elevated shoulder position and ensure that your forearms remain parallel while balancing. Spread out your fingers to strengthen the base, and push your hands harder into the ground to stabilize the posture.
Precautions & Contraindications
Remember that although yoga is for everyone, not all positions suit everyone. If you have any of the following problems, you must avoid performing the Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose without first contacting a doctor:
- Pregnancy
- Neck, back, wrist, or shoulder injuries.
- Recent surgery
- Chronic headaches
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Extreme anxiety or tension at present.
- Hernia
- Digestive issues
- Eyes, ears, or nose infections
Pincha Mayurasana is a great way to balance a hectic life. It strengthens the body’s physical basis as well as the subtler components of the body. To get the advantages of this pose, you must adopt good lifestyle changes and choices.